Our first FOUR bills have been introduced by our legislative champions:
SENATE BILL 20: SEX DESIGNATION ON VITAL RECORDS <<<click for more information.
Sponsored by: Sen. Candelaria and Rep. D. Armstrong
SB 20 allows transgender, gender expansive, gender nonconforming, non binary New Mexicans to confirm their gender on their NM birth certificate, without the requirement of surgery. It allows folks to change the gender marker to an "M", an "F", or an "X".
SENATE BILL 159: PROHIBIT CERTAIN LEGAL DEFENSES <<<click for more information.
Sponsored by: Sen. Candelaria
SB 159 would end the practice of allowing defendantes who admit to committing a violent crime against someone who is LGBTQ+ to plead for a lesser sentence, even for cases of murder. Our community continues to be the target of violence – particularly the transgender community – and hate crimes are at a recent high.
Sponsored by: Sen. Stefanics
SB 227 would affirm equal protection promises by removing language in the Human Rights Code that gives small businesses (14 or less employees) a license to discriminate against their LGBTQ+ employees. That means you can be fired, disciplined, demoted, or discriminated against--and it's time for that to change.
SENATE BILL 288: SAFE SCHOOLS FOR ALL STUDENTS ACT <<<click for more information.
Sponsored by: Sen. Soules
SB 288 repeals the current bullying prevention law and replaces it with language that would work to make sure that that transgender students are fully included in the policy, contributing to improving learning outcomes, attendance, and graduation rates.
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