We believe that the wellbeing of LGBTQ New Mexicans is crucial to the wellbeing of our state. That’s why we wanted to use this week to remind you that taking care of your body and mind is important, and it’s something you deserve!

While we often emphasize sexual health as an important part of LGBTQ health, that’s not all there is to it. Like for all people, general preventative healthcare is important for LGBTQ folks too! So, take some time to ask yourself: 

  • Have I had my annual checkup/physical this year?

  • Do I have regular mental health check-ins set up with a counselor or therapist?

  • Have I been getting enough water and sleep?

  • Have I been regularly moving my body in a way that feels good to me?

We realize that obtaining healthcare can be difficult for some folks. If you’re looking for a primary care provider (often referred to as a PCP) and you already have insurance, you can ask your insurance provider to give you a list of doctors that your plan covers. And if you don’t have insurance, community health clinics are a great place to start! They often offer a sliding scale pay option based on your income. Here is a website where you can input your zip code to find community health clinics near you.

If you’re looking for a mental health provider, here is a website where you can find LGBTQ-affirming mental health agencies in New Mexico. Keep in mind that mental health check-ins are a good idea for everybody—not just queer and trans folks. While you certainly can seek a therapist’s help for LGBTQ-related traumas, it’s also totally fine if you’re seeking counseling for unrelated struggles in your life, like work or family stress. We are more than just our LGBTQ identities, and we face obstacles just like everybody else.

Finally, make sure you’re practicing self care, this week and all weeks. Try your best to drink enough water, get enough sleep, move your body lovingly, and take time to do the things that make you happy. These are all good ways to nurture both your physical and mental health. Remember, self-love is an act of queer resistance.
